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About Me

Hello! My name is James and I am a self taught landscape photographer based in Calgary, Alberta, which is about an hour and a half from Banff National Park.

Having access to some of the most beautiful scene right in my backyard is a pretty amazing experience. Growing up so close I really took all the natural beauty around me for granted and it wasn't until I got into photography that I really started to appreciate just how lucky I am.

I never really considered myself as a creative "artist" at all. I only picked up a camera when my first daughter was born to try and capture memories as she grew up. It wasn't long after I got into landscape photography and became addicted to it.

When covid hit I was becoming an anxious wreck sitting inside everyday glued to the news and all the doom and gloom in the world and was becoming quite depressed. I needed something to push me out of my comfort zone and get my ass outside. That's when I started following nature photographers on Instagram and thought, hey that's pretty cool I want to try that.

After spending basically all my free time researching and practicing I became completely enthralled with it and I knew I was going to make photography my career in one way or another.

After I started printing my work I knew how special it was to have physical versions of these beautiful scenes, it is so much more impactful than just staring at a screen.

I understand that many of us feel overwhelmed by the constant demands of modern life—endless to-do lists, work stress, and the pressure to stay connected digitally.

My goal is to reconnect you with nature, help you escape the mundane day to day city life and bring some inspiration into your space!